And suddenly you’re back in your own bed…. after 3.5 years!

We are in the Netherlands again for a while during this period. We had rented out our house for the past few years, but the tenants left. Now the house is officially empty and we have come to the Netherlands to see how it is and what we are going to do with it.

Very crazy to suddenly be “home” again after 3.5 years at our familiar place in Emmen and to be back in our own bed. Also to see what has changed, in the garden, in the house and in the neighborhood. We left the house at the time with furniture and all, even 3 chickens. Now that we return, there are over 20 chickens and in some ways the house looks better than we left it! I am thankful to God how this all turned out.

We are now fixing up some things and getting them ready for possible next tenants. There aren’t any yet, by the way, and to be honest, we don’t really know what to do with this new situation yet.

In any case, it is wonderful to be back in Holland for a while and to see family and friends. Although we haven’t seen or spoken to many people yet. We have also been working a lot.

As it stands, we’ll be there until the end of the month.

Video series

For a while I’ve been walking around with the idea of recording a video series for this blog telling my own story and things I’ve learned over the years. The risk of such an undertaking I always find is that I start it, but then don’t finish it. I also like being behind the camera more than in front of it.😊But I’ll give it a shot anyway.

Below are the first two parts.

In the first short video, I talk a little bit about my younger years and how I was reading the Bible on my own early on…. and what that did to me.

In the next section I talk about baptism and what its meaning is. Pretty clear from the Bible, yet there are a tremendous number of disagreements about it.

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