Back from the Netherlands

Just a quick update from us. It was nice to be back in the Netherlands for a while! Lots of family and friends along to catch up πŸ™‚ The weekend in Apeldoorn was also very nice! An acquaintance spontaneously offered her house in Apeldoorn when I shared in the previous blog that we would come to Apeldoorn. We were very impressed by that – it was also something we really wanted: a place to ourselves that weekend. We had been looking for a B&B for a while, but that was a bit too pricey for us. Then suddenly this offer came! God is good πŸ™‚

Meanwhile, the kids stayed with grandparents and had a good time πŸ™‚

With aunt Jolanda to Ballorig

The weekend in Apeldoorn was impressive. Many people have been healed and quite a few have been converted and baptized. Some of them were so ‘plucked off the street’ by the teams that were evangelizing. They then took along with them the gospel through and these people decided to heed the call to repent and follow Jesus in baptism. One of the things I’ve learned from being here is how important it is to take the time to explain the gospel to someone. But also to explain the gospel clearly and completely. Torben is pretty good at that and he made a video of it. Good to watch! Even if you think you know the gospel .. because there is a chance that you are still missing something (video has Dutch subtitles).

It was nice to meet a lot of acquaintances this weekend. Mostly people we only had contact with via email. It was nice to meet them in real life.

Miranda’s story

Also nice to meet Miranda Jansen again. Evelyn and I christened her early this year. This event brought a huge change in her life. For example, she has been cured of whiplash that she suffered years ago as a result of a serious car accident and her whole life has been cleaned up (stopped smoking, etc.). Now she prays for others herself and has seen others healed through her prayer. I was able to capture her story on video while we were there as there is a lot to learn from her story. Below you can watch the video. Well worth it!!

Behind the scenes πŸ˜‰

In 4 weeks..!

Evelyn’s pregnancy is progressing nicely! She is due in 4 weeks. We are really ready to move, because living in the small space and many people around us and being heavily pregnant is starting to take its toll. Fortunately, we will receive the key to our new home on Thursday. My father-in-law comes with my sister-in-law to bring our furniture πŸ™‚ We are really looking forward to living there and having our own place again.. with several rooms πŸ™‚ The kids are doing fine too.. they still have it just fine here.


Visit to war museum today was a success!






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