Time for another update!

We went to the Netherlands in August for a wedding and a PTS. That was quite a journey! It took us no less than 10 days in total – the camper is not very fast.

Many beautiful things have happened again during the PTS in the Netherlands. The highlights are always those things that God does and not things that are pre-planned. It was a pleasure to listen to the stories of the students returning from the three-day Luke 10 trip. They set out without a plan and wallet, and God guided them in a special way. Several people were open to the gospel, and most students were eventually offered places to sleep. Beautiful all.

One of the lessons I taught myself was about the guidance of the Holy Ghost and how it works. In this lesson I tell a lot of our life story. I recorded it – you can watch it back below.

Preparing for the first school in Spain

So now we are back in Spain and we are preparing the first school that we will hold here. This is all going to happen in Salvador’s house. A lot of work has been done to make the house suitable for a school. But we’re not there yet! We especially miss an extra toilet and shower (we could also use financial support, if you want to give something, scroll down!).

School will start on October 10th and we expect a group of around 10 students.

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