First recordings in the studio

Yes! Yesterday and today we put the new studio into use for the first time. It’s been almost a year since Torben released the last episode of The Pioneer School. Now a new series is coming out with the aim of encouraging people to make the kingdom of God visible in everyday life. Many people are alone in this and these programs will encourage them not to give up, but to continue following Jesus.

1st program in studio
The setup is different from The Pioneer School. Regularly there will be a guest in the studio who has a special story.

It’s hard work to get it all done! There is a lot in the programs, such as promos, testimonials. But it will definitely be worth a look!

As Friday we expect to place the first episode on Youtube.

Yesterday we went to the coast for the first time. The weather here is not as good as it was recently in the Netherlands, but we were already able to pick a nice place to go swimming this summer 🙂

beach thia with crab

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