Hi everybody! It’s been way too long since I’ve written an update on our life in Denmark. As you can read in the title we got a beautiful house 🙂 And just in time, before the baby comes! You can read more about it further on. First an update of what has happened lately and what we have done.
New website
Last time I wrote about a kickstart weekend. After that it was relatively quiet for a while – although there were continuous guests in the hotel. Some had said in advance that they would come, others just showed up.
We used this time to build a new website for The Last Reformation. A few months ago I had the idea to make a world map where people can register freely. That way, people who are behind the reformation find each other. They can also make themselves available for example to pray for people, to baptize people, etc. Unfortunately I didn’t have the time to start such a big job myself, so I was very happy when someone came to the hotel, converted and was baptized.. and turned out to be a programmer! He started developing this map for the new website the same day!

In the meantime we have built the rest of the website together. This one went online a week or two ago – and we immediately saw that it worked!
Because the map hadn’t been online for 24 hours, when we received the following message from Fabian, who rents our house in the Netherlands:
On Thursday, August 20, we were busy packing our bags for a weekend trip when I received an email from someone from Germany. He had to work that day and wrote that he was half an hour away from us. He wrote that he found me through the new map at www.thelastreformation.com and that he wanted to be baptized with the Holy Spirit . He had The Pioneer School and has been praying for the sick ever since – and saw great results! But in his church no one spoke in tongues.
So he came by while I was packing the car. We talked for 5 minutes – and there, in the midst of the chaos of my house, we stood in the kitchen and prayed. After about 2 minutes he felt the power of God come upon him and began to speak in tongues. We were very happy and we said goodbye. He went back to work..
What a wonderful God we serve!
So happy with this post. Since then, a large group of people have signed up on this world map and we see that the system is constantly being used.
Luke 10
We also spent a lot of time preparing the new full-time Luke 10 training school . We made plans, refurbished the hotel, prepared rooms, etc. Last week, the people came in piece by piece, a total of 33 people from a lot of different countries. The ages are also very diverse, everything between 17 and 65, both men and women.
A lot has happened in this first week! People were baptized every day, people were healed, every day new wonderful stories. The highlight was the story of a man from Russia who had come to Denmark to steal! He worked in a gang and also lived with them in a house. But it didn’t sit well with him that he was earning a living this way – his conscience spoke to him and he stopped. As a result, he ended up on the street. After being homeless for a few days, he sat on a bench somewhere in the center of Aalborg. When he suddenly heard a voice: “Hello, can I ask you something? Is there any pain?” It was one of Luke 10’s people who had taken to the streets to evangelize. He indicated that his heart was in pain because of the bad life he led. He heard the gospel and was deeply moved by it. He repented and came with him to the hotel. There he was baptized and after the baptism his hands were laid upon him and he received the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. This man has completely changed! He called his daughter in Russia and told her how he found God! His daughter noticed on the phone the love her father had now received! I would like to quickly capture this story on video and send it out to the world! 🙂 It’s beautiful!
I myself also helped to show people how to pray for people with illnesses / ailments. My ‘colleague’ thought it was a good idea to film that 🙂
Meanwhile, Evelyn and I have had a hard time living in a small space, sharing the bathroom with ~25 others. Especially Evelyn had a lot of trouble with that – also the little living space for the children. We have asked God to provide a solution, even if the baby comes soon. In itself it was reasonable to do when there were not that many people, but last weekend for example 70 people stayed in the hotel .. that was very overwhelming!
A house!
Torben unexpectedly announced that Peter (the owner of the hotel) had his eye on a house nearby. And that if he could get it, we could live in it. A few days later (the day before yesterday) he told us that the house had been bought!! It went very well, as others were also interested and they both made an offer. Whoever made the highest bid would get the house. Peter’s bid was very close to the others’ bid, but slightly higher. He also had the requirement that the house had to be available before October 1. And it worked! So in 3 weeks we can already go in!!! It’s a great house at 100 m from the hotel! It has sufficient rooms and a spacious garden.
We are very grateful to be able to live here! Regarding salary, it is not possible, because we do not receive a salary 🙂 Also no government money or anything like that. We trust that God provides and it is beautiful to see how He does not disappoint and really takes care of us in an incredible way!
TLR Studio
Last week I was a guest in the program that I produce myself 🙂 I tell about our journey and how ‘kickstarting’ played a role in it:
Some more photos..

God is good!
Trusting in God will not disappoint you. He is so good! If you’re reading this and have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
- What is the Gospel? Why do I need to be saved and from what? How can I get to know God? Watch this video or contact someone nearby .
- What about the baptism in the Holy Spirit? Contact someone in our network in the Netherlands . They can help you further. Also for other questions regarding the good news of Jesus Christ.
- Living ‘by faith’, as you do, is that for everyone? Watch this video about God and finances or get in touch.