Hi everybody! We want to wish you a wonderful and blessed 2016! We miss you and our own Netherlands quite a lot in this time, but we are happy with all the friends we have around us to celebrate this holiday season with!
2015 was a very special year for us. A lot has happened and this year was in many ways unlike any previous year. It is beautiful to see God working and to see the Bible (more) come to life. We are very excited to see what 2016 will bring. We have high hopes for it..
The film
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been spending almost all my time on the documentary we’re going to release next year. It’s a big project and a big challenge for all of us. The film is made by Lebo Akatio, who previously also made the ‘Kingdom of God in …’ films for Torben. He completed film school last year and although he is already quite experienced in making shorter films, this is also his first time to make a full film. He has been working on this film for a year and a half now.
My job is to oversee the entire project and make sure everything is ready on time. Like making the DVDs, the premiere in Alkmaar at 11 February, the website for streaming the film, press releases, subtitles in 25 languages, etc.
The best thing is that the movie will be coming soon will appear completely free ! DVDs can be bought for a very low price. Yet the film is certainly not free and considerable amounts are spent to realize everything.
You can watch the trailer for the film below. Almost 30,000 views in one week.. a new record for us!
We expect this film to have a significant impact, both with believers and those who do not yet believe. The aim of the film is to show that everything in the Bible is real. ‘Real’ is therefore the central theme, the common thread through the film.
You see the effect the gospel has on people, how they experience freedom and forgiveness of sins , cure diseases and ailments and that there demons are cast out and people experience the Holy Spirit come upon them . All things we find in Acts (and elsewhere in the New Testament)! But which are not yet widely seen in the present church – whereas, if you look at the Bible, this was the normal Christian life in the early years of the church . The film shows that it is not only for people with a special calling, but for every Christian who dares to believe this!
Thank you!
We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported us over the past year! Thank you for your prayers, the spontaneous gifts, messages and other surprises! You made us very happy 🙂
Here are a few more photos from the past period..