One week in Denmark


We have been in Denmark for over a week now. Today I called my parents and they were curious how we are doing and they asked if we can keep a blog. We wanted to do this ourselves, but because of all the crowds, it hasn’t happened yet. But here’s an attempt to keep a blog up to date!

We are doing well and we are starting to feel really at home. We were brought to Denmark by my (Robberts) parents. They stayed for a few days and then they were ‘repaid’ by Evelyn’s parents. We were very happy to have them there as it gave us a lot of space to tidy up our apartment and get to know the people here. They went out with the children, while we could do all kinds of practical things and also orientate a bit on the work that there is to do here.

Last Monday night we waved goodbye to Evelyn’s parents and we’ve been all on our own ever since.

We like our apartment! Actually better than we expected. This is also because we got a more spacious room than we had seen in the pictures before.

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The kids are having a great time here! Thijs likes to make an effort to speak English and the people here like to hear him speak. Fortunately, there are also regular Dutch people here and they are Thijs’ greatest friends. Maarten is also having a good time. He always had a good time with little, so we don’t have a child with him 🙂

Today the water pipe in the newly constructed street in front of the hotel has burst. So we had a river at our doorstep 🙂


There are people here right now from Canada, Australia, Finland, Italy, Sweden.

Today I finished the design for the USB sticks with The Pioneer School. A few months ago I already made a start with this from the Netherlands. We want to order quite a few. Last weekend people from Scotland were here. They shared how they liked The Pioneer School and also wanted a ‘kickstart’ (ie get into action themselves to pray for the sick and see healing – this is part of The Pioneer School). That’s why they came to the hotel. It turned out that their internet connection at home was so bad that they had to wait every 3 minutes for Youtube to load before they could continue watching. Torben told me about the plan for the USB sticks we wanted to make, especially for people with a bad internet connection. They were enthusiastic about this plan and immediately donated EUR 10,000 (!). wow!


Evelyn tries to map out all kinds of practical things, such as cleaning schedules and ensuring that stocks are maintained. Many things are not well arranged yet, so there is plenty of work to do!

In the meantime, we are also busy getting all the papers for each other, so that we become residents of Denmark and we are also entitled to reimbursement of medical expenses, etc.

Okay, enough writing for today! Our plan is to regularly write a short piece about what is happening here, so that everyone stays informed.

See you soon!


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