Okay, maybe this is old news for many, because Ruben was born five weeks ago. We are in the Netherlands this week, so we can also show it to his family and our friends πŸ™‚ And I was also reminded here that it’s high time to update the blog again πŸ˜‰ So here it is!

Reuben just born..


Grandpa Hans & Ruben, one week old
This was last Sunday.. almost 6 weeks old

Reuben is doing well! But also with Thijs and Maarten, Evelyn and me. We are integrating nicely in Denmark and are now making a serious effort to learn the language.

Thijs has been going to a Danish school for several weeks now. After a somewhat difficult start (he likes to talk to people, and gets frustrated quickly when he is not understood…) things are going really well now! He can already speak a few words of Danish and also seems to understand what the teacher is saying to him πŸ™‚ By the way, he is not in the class with Danish children, but in a small class with 9 children who all do not yet speak Danish, with the aim of learning the language to learn as quickly as possible.

About money

I’ve wanted to write something about finance for a while, because I think a lot of people are curious about that. How can you survive without a fixed income? How does living by faith work? Isn’t that very exciting? Do we live on benefits? Click here to read more about it .

Β©Roel Dijkstra / Photo: Joep van der Pal Piggy bank - piggy bank - money - money - saving - crisis - financial - euros - euros - Credit crisis -

Saturday – kickstart Lelystad

Last Saturday we had a very nice day in Lelystad. A kickstart at Ron and Hennie’s home. Ron and Hennie came to faith in Apeldoorn – they were baptized there and received the Holy Spirit. That has made a huge change in their lives! They now want to serve God and have made their home available. They have a very spacious house, so we could stay with more than 40 people come together.

I was allowed to do education together with Fabian Moreno. I don’t think I’ve written about Fabian before, but he’s the one who rents our house in Emmen. The first meeting with Fabian and his family was very special: the day after we decided to move to Denmark and put our house up for sale, Fabian and his family showed up on our doorstep. I didn’t know them yet, but had only had some e-mail contact. They wanted to talk to us about The Last Reformation in the Netherlands. They had found our data on Torben’s website. We clicked with them right away – we didn’t know they were looking for a place to live and they didn’t know we had just decided to move to Denmark and get rid of our house. It’s unbelievable how it all turned out! For I remember several times walking through my house praying and saying: God, this is all for you. I don’t need it, but you can use it for your kingdom! I could never have imagined how God would answer that prayer. Meanwhile, Fabian has baptized a lot of people in our bathtub in the past six months. There are people in the house almost every weekend, coming for healing, baptism with the Holy Spirit, conversion, teaching, etc! I believe that there are more special things to happen in Emmen and the surrounding area.. the future will show πŸ™‚

Back to the kickstart weekend

Fabian first explained the gospel in a very simple way so that everyone understands what it is all about – repentance, baptism and filling with God’s Spirit.

Fabian explains the gospel

Then I talked about discipleship – why we call it a ‘kickstart’ and what it has worked out in my own life. Then it was time for a demonstration – someone had broken (or bruised, I’m not exactly sure) their hand. His hand was bandaged and quite swollen. After prayer, the pain and swelling disappeared and the bandage could be removed. The one who prayed had never done this before, so she saw for the first time that God was using her to heal.

After lunch we took to the streets in teams, to give others the same experience. And that worked out really well. In the evening we had a lot of testimonials of healing, such as someone getting out of a wheelchair in the street and walking without problems, healing of neck hernia, pain after a broken hip, and many other people. Several people they met were in tears.

Ron and Hennie had stayed home so they could prepare dinner. In the evening Ron told me that he was really sorry about that – it had also been nice to go out on the street and see all those healings. But then some people came to bring the food that had been ordered and Ron struck up a conversation with them. One of them turned out to have an ailment himself (don’t remember exactly what…), but Ron prayed for her and the problem disappeared! They left deeply impressed and moved πŸ™‚

The evening was also beautiful and we showed, among other things, a fragment from the film ‘ The Last Reformation – The Beginning ‘ that we are producing.

About this movie

Torben started this documentary last year. It contains never-before-seen footage of travels he’s made since that time. In the meantime, I’ve watched some parts of the film… and I’m deeply impressed. This movie is going to be really special! It contains stories and images that have not been captured in a similar documentary before. This was also noticeable in the reaction of the people who saw part of the film: ‘Wow!’ ‘Awesome!’.

I now also spend most of my time on this in Denmark, the production of this film (advertising, translations, distribution). The movie will come out with subtitles in more than 20 languages. The best news is that the movie will be free to view , but can also be ordered at a very low price on DVD/Bluray, so that it can be used as evangelistic material (to be given away for free). Nice to see how many people are wearing and supporting this project!

Movie DVD cover
The DVD cover πŸ™‚

And further..

It’s turned out to be a pretty long story. I can write a lot more! But I’ll save that for another time! I’m trying to keep up with the blog a little better! I plan to put together a movie of the kickstart in Lelystad, because I was able to make some nice images. So that will come next time!

I close with this video that I made a few weeks ago of a man who came to faith a while back. Recommended!

Glad you like it! See you soon πŸ™‚ Greetings from us!

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