The Netherlands, the movie, and more :)

We are in the Netherlands this week. So nice to catch up with all the family and friends again!

It is also high time to give an update on everything that has happened lately.

The story behind the movie

Last month our movie The Last Reformation – The Beginning hatched. And we are very happy about that! Because producing the film was extremely intensive for us and we are therefore happy that it has been successfully completed and that the film is now going around the world.

Perhaps it would be good to tell a little bit about the background of this film.

About the time we first started thinking about going to Denmark – this was in the summer of 2014 – Torben and filmmaker Lebo Akatio went to a training weekend in the United States. On the way at the airport, they experienced God speaking to both of them to make a movie. Not a short account of the journey, but a full documentary that would give a good picture of what God is doing in our time. But also of the need for a reformation of the church. They became very enthusiastic about this and when they arrived in the US they immediately bought the extra stuff (extra camera, lenses, audio equipment) and got to work. Once they started doing this, they were able to capture extraordinary things – things they hadn’t experienced before!

Torben, who had no idea how big such a project was, hoped the film would be ready in about 3 months. In the end, it would take a year and a half before the film would finally be finished and released.

The premiere

For me personally, the work on the film was so intense that at one point I didn’t enjoy the work much. I had seen the film about 12 times – at one point I could dream of every scene! In the meantime, there were several struggles in the team, but also in our own family.. we thought – what is happening!? It took us a while to realize there was a battle going on. For example, the director of the film was plagued by a cyst in his back, so that he had to undergo an operation and was unable to work on the film for a while. This while the deadline was fast approaching. And there were several other issues that made it difficult to finish the film. The devil didn’t seem to want this movie to come out!

In the end we managed to finish the film in time for the premiere in Alkmaar. Although we didn’t advertise the premiere much, about 600 people turned out for this first screening. The premiere took place in the Netherlands, Alkmaar.

Photo credits Daniel Schaffer
Torben tells how the film came about. Next to him director Lebo and on the far right of the picture Andre Hojer, co-producer – Photo: Daniel Schaffer
Photo credits Daniel Schaffer
I tell about my role in the production of the film.. and that I think it is special that it will premiere in the Netherlands. – Photo: Daniel Schaffer
Photo credits Daniel Schaffer
People look fascinated. The screening was arranged by a company that could provide a ‘mobile cinema’. The person behind the controls said: “I see a lot of movies because of my work, but this one is special and would like to show it to my wife at home as well.” – Photo: Daniel Schaffer

What makes this movie worth watching?

This film shows what happens when we take the Bible seriously (more seriously), take action and do what Jesus says. We will then see the same things as we read in Acts. Faith… it is believing what it says and that is manifested by doing what it says. Miracles and signs follow each other in rapid succession and people are amazed.

Yet that is not the point – because the most important message that we want to communicate with the film is the gospel. This is the good news of the coming of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial love. He gave his life, if – as the Bible says – ‘ ransom ‘ for many. He suffered a punishment we deserved for our crimes. The film shows what we have to do to be born again. To receive a new life from God, a life in deep peace. The wonders and signs are like in the Bible book of Acts an eye opener for the people – it shows that God is there and it opens the people to listen to the gospel and to believe it!

The impact

The film has already been screened in many places around the world. We have already received many beautiful stories. Like this one, from a showing in Belgium:

I was shocked! We expected 80 people, but they kept coming until 160 people arrived. They were touched and really loved the movie! We were supposed to baptize two people after the screening – but this turned out to be five. Four of them immediately spoke in tongues. It was powerful! Our team was ready to pray for deliverance and healing. Quite a lot of people wanted prayer.

For example, we prayed for a girl who had an infection in her eye that prevented her from seeing. This morning the mother got in touch and said, β€œHey, our daughter woke up this morning and yelled, Mom! My eyes are healed!’. Praise God! This is real life!

Immediately after the film’s premiere in Alkmaar, there was room for prayer. There were a lot of people who could pray, because the 40 students from the training school were all in the front – I was a bit aloof, and didn’t really feel ‘in the mood’ to pray for people. However, a lady walked up to me and told me that she had been suffering from fibromyalgia for a long time, a disease that left her with pain throughout her body. I briefly prayed for her twice and she was surprised that the pain was almost gone. However, I was reminded of an incident a few months ago when I prayed for a lady who had the same illness. The pain then disappeared, but was back after a short while – the same evening. I got the impression that I should continue to pray and that the disease was demonic in nature. After about a minute of praying, the woman began to shake violently and after that she made strange movements with her head. I rebuked the pain and suddenly she fell unexpectedly hard to the floor. Then she indicated that the pain had disappeared and she needed time to recover – it had been an impressive event for her! I haven’t been able to speak to her after that – I’m very curious how she is now.

Then someone wanted be baptized with the Holy Spirit . I don’t have much experience with that yet, but I just prayed for this gentleman and asked God to fill him with the Holy Spirit. After some time tears came and he started to speak in tongues :).

Many others come up with similar stories. Last week I ran into Ruud and was able to record his story:

The movie trailer is now more than 100,000 views on Youtube and 280,000 times on Facebook. The film itself has now been viewed about 60,000 times. Subtitles are available in 36 languages.

You can watch the movie for free here: (filling in your contact details is not mandatory – click Skip). You can download the film here with Dutch subtitles . He is also too order on DVD for yourself as a multi-pack to give away.

Ordered 55,000 DVDs.. quite exciting. Did they succeed? πŸ˜‰

Back tomorrow

It was great to be back in the Netherlands for a week! We really enjoyed our stay in B&B De Vossenburcht – enjoy peace and space in Drenthe . Shamelessly promoting my in-laws’ B&B πŸ˜‰ . Tomorrow back to ‘our’ Denmark πŸ˜‰

Greetings from all of us! πŸ™‚

Ruben.. already five months πŸ™‚
Walk with the Fam. Dam on 1 e Easter day.



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